Call for ScAIEM Research Leaders / Principal Investigators

Pre-conference session 9 November 13.00-17.00

ScAIEM research – an inventory and future roadmap

We kindly invite presentations from ScAIEM Research Leaders / Principal Investigators who are engaged in more extensive research programs/projects that may be labeled significant and, to some extent, representative of the research carried out at the home unit/division/department. We believe such initiatives engage several senior and/or junior researchers and are of longer duration (probably three years or longer).

We think a presentation and the following discussion of such more significant initiatives would be an exciting way of mapping contemporary research themes and future trajectories within the ScAIEM community and provide an opportunity for new collaborations and cross-fertilization among groups and possibilities for career exchange.

We invite all kinds of presentations, be they domain-specific, thematic, or theoretically guided. We anticipate that presentations may highlight ongoing initiatives, cross-university collaborations, methodology, preliminary findings, and future potentialities.

Organizer of the session: Prof. Marcus Lindahl

Expressions of interest to participate can be directed to



Academic Conferences
Box 7059
750 07 Uppsala, Sweden
Phone: + 46 (0) 18 67 10 03


Important dates

25 May: Submission opens
6 July: Registration opens
30 September: Extended deadline for submission
9-11 November: Conference

Organised by