Call for submissions (Pre-conference PhD Candidate Workshop)
As part of the pre-conference program of ScAIEM 2022, the PhD Candidate Workshop will be held on Wednesday 9 November 2022.
During the workshop, PhD candidates will have the opportunity to present and discuss their research proposals/plans, a section of their thesis, or a research paper. PhD candidates at all stages are welcome, including PhD candidates who have recently started, are well into their projects, or are soon defending their theses. The aim of the workshop is to support PhD candidates in developing their ideas and manuscripts, by engaging them in academic discussion with junior and senior colleagues.
Aside from the presentation of their work, all participants will be expected to review and provide constructive feedback to another participant’s work. The PhD candidates will further receive feedback from senior members of the scientific community. The submitted work will form the basis of the discussion and feedback at the PhD Candidate workshop. The workshop is deliberately designed to provide each candidate with enough time to discuss their contributions in depth.
Besides receiving valuable feedback and the opportunity to connect with fellow scholars in the field of industrial engineering and management, all actively participating PhD candidates will receive a diploma certifying that the workshop equals 3 ECTS.
To ensure that we can assign suitable senior and junior opponents, please submit your abstract following this template (download PhD Workshop Template) by 5 September, and your full contribution by 10 October by email to
Financial support
ScAIEM offers financial support for PhD students selected for the ScAIEM PhD workshop. The financial grant per PhD-student is maximum 500 euros: 150 euros for the conference fee and maximum 350 euros for travel costs (transportation and lodging). The number of applicants that can get financial support is limited. You can find more information about the financial grant here: ScAIEM PhD Student Conference Grant 2022
If you have any questions regarding the PhD Candidate Workshop, please feel free to contact us at
Academic Conferences
Box 7059
750 07 Uppsala, Sweden
Phone: + 46 (0) 18 67 10 03
Important dates
25 May: Submission opens
6 July: Registration opens
30 September: Extended deadline for submission
9-11 November: Conference